Function Block Libraries
FBL Overview
|Basic FBL
|Process Control
|Winder Control
Advanced Math
|Sun Position Calculator
|Motion Control
Motion Control Function Block Library (dwOPTION -36)
- Pick & place machines
- Packaging machines
- Painting robots
- Cut to length
- Automated assembly processes
Trapezoidal Motion
A key requirement for numerous machine controls.
Key Features:
- Continuous target recalculation
- Easy system set up
- Easy performance optimization
- Pause with controlled accel/decel
- Hold with fast stop
Cam Profile
A key requirement for numerous machine controls.
Key Features:
- Easy graphical profile editor
- Optional .csv file import
- Easy .csv file export
- Easy system set up
- Easy integration with multiple axes
- Up to 100 “knots” or points for complex profiles
- 16-bit signed input and output resolution for accurate cam forms
very smart!
motion control – Stepper Drive Controllers
These stepper drive controller options are available for most versions of the smarty. Both options include:
- 2 channels of pulse & direction
- 2 fast event inputs for count reset
- 64-bit pulse counts
- Automatic datum reset
- Easy set up
- Selectable count persistence with “clear on power up”
dwOPTION -37 Open Loop Stepper Drive Controller
In a typical open loop stepper drive application, the “Position” parameter (derived from the pulse count) can be used to close the position control loop.
dwOPTION -38 Closed Loop Stepper Drive Controller
In a typical closed loop stepper drive application the position feedback can be provided by an encoder. The dwOPTION -42-45 encoder module also has two fast event inputs for auto count reset.