Smart Systems Designer

savvy-SFD ... Signal Flow Diagram

The savvy-SFD option provides a powerful, graphical, Signal Flow Diagram interface with enhanced system wide navigation and the ability to produce clear, annotated, device and system documentation.

Use savvy “phantoms” to create systems which can be downloaded later into the real devices.

savvy, easy, very smart

savvy-SFD features:
  • Basic savvyPanel operator station functions included.
  • Create your own customized drawing sheets with choice of ISO or ANSI formats.
  • Signal flow diagrams provide a clear vision of your control scheme and its functionality.
  • Tags clearly specify the source, destination and location of connections between multiple pages.
  • Entire drawing is stored in the drive.web devices for instant access in the field.
  • Key parameters can be shown at the Signal Flow Diagram level for enhanced monitoring and control.
  • Connections are “rubber-banded” so that function blocks can be moved on pages or between pages.
  • “drag & drop” connections can be made between any parameter anywhere in a system.
  • Drawings can be user annotated.
  • Powerful navigation features ensure fast searches and that you will never get lost.
  • Password protection is provided at many levels for secure use.




Smart, touch screen operator station technology

savvyPanel provides unprecedented flexibility in instrumentation, control and monitoring.
  • Runs native on a savvyPanel station high resolution, touch screen display.
  • Also runs on any full featured, touch screen PC or on iOS devices (iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, etc.)
  • Extensive library of objects such as pushbuttons, switches, meters, indicators, lamps, buzzers, etc.
  • Extensive library of graphical image “tiles” to build smart machine and process graphics.
  • Machine graphic “tiles” can be linked to detail control screens.
  • Full savvyPanel configuration is stored in drive.web devices for instant WiFi “roaming” access.
  • Supports multiple screens with multiple pages.
  • Provides hierarchal access to system groups, individual systems and multiple operator levels.
  • Powerful multi-level password protection.

Example - Extrusion Coating Line

Master System Control Station
Extruder Screen
Temperature Control Screen
Easily build your graphics and controls and link them to any location in your drives or process control system.
Touch a graphic tile such as the “EXTRUDER” to drill down to the detail screen
Touch an arrow link such as the “TEMP CONTROL” tile to drill down to the temperature control system.
Touch the “MELT TEMP” tile in any screen to set the master temperature setpoint.