savvy® and savvyPanel® software are intuitively easy to work with. This guide highlights many of the tools that are commonly used.
The savvy software is regularly updated and a check is performed each time the software is started while there is an internet connection.
Please update the software when informed to ensure best performance. Click here for specific instructions in some computer operating systems.
This document describes full, Administrate Capability features. See the Access Control page for details.
Window Status Bar
Active Objects; Device, Function Block, Parameter, Tile, Connection
The principle viewer windows and their menus
Zoom, Pan and Navigation tools
Multiple savvy viewer windows promote convenience and easy configuration
drive.web technology supports multiple users
Exiting the software
Window Status Bar
Find the status bar at the top of each viewer window. Browsing arrows and live contextual data is shown.
Here, the mouse hovers over a device in the directory and its IP address, serial number (MAC ID), and group is shown.
- See Zoom, Pan and Navigation, below for information on the browsing arrows.
Active Objects - Device, Function Block, Parameter, Tile, Connection
Devices, function blocks, parameters, tiles, and connections are active objects in any savvy view.
Active objects may be displayed with adornments. Find information on those adornments and available contextual menus in the viewer window discussions below.
Hover the mouse over an active object.
- View key data in the status bar.
Reveal the object's hover button. Click to access its contextual menu.
Click an active object.
- Click a device to view page one of its SFD or the FBE view in the free version of savvy.
Click a function block for that function block view.
Click a settable parameter for a setter. A parameter is settable if it does not have an incoming connection and is not read-only.
- Enter values directly with the keyboard or -
Increment or decrement least or second-least significant digit or -
Get a touch-compatible keypad or -
Return to default value or -
Revert to previous setting.
Click a connection to view the other end.
- Enter values directly with the keyboard or -
Right-click an active object (or click its hover button) for its contextual menu.
- Contextual menus change according to the context in which they are invoked. The descriptions below are general and may differ in particular contexts.
Command-click an active object to open a new viewer into the view that would normally appear with a click.
The principle viewer windows and their menus
A dedicated menu is available for many views.
All views include File, Window, Commerce and Help menus:
File menu
- New Viewer...
- Create a new, empty viewer window.
Open Device Directory etc.
- Switch to other principle views; Directory, savvyPanel, Connections, Dock.
- Re-Map .. Files
- Use when device IP addresses need to be changed. Re-map the original file and use it after the device IP addresses have been changed.
Mark Export File
- Three choices. Mark As Standard to import the complete configuration from this file.
Mark For Device Parameters Only to import only the parameter settings into the attached drive. No custom name, scaling, or enumeration is imported and the SFD, function block engine, and savvyPanel are unaffected.
Mark User Data Only to import only custom names, scaling, enumerations, SFD, and savvyPanel details. No function blocks are added or removed. If a parameter or function block is not present, a warning is provided. If a parameter or function block is present in the SFD prior to import, and not present in the file, it will be removed from the graphic.
Kill Interface Lock...
- Release a drive.web® device from the savvy or savvyPanel installation that is currently controlling it.
Show Comms Error Rates
- Current, total messages sent, messages lost, and resulting percentage.
Hex Converter
- One-way, decimal to two's-complement, 64-bit, hex number converter. Use when calculating 64-bit encoder position points manually.
Show savvyPanel Data
- Listing of all discovered savvyPanel systems, device names, IP addresses, and tiles.
Clean Up savvyPanel Page Names
- Use in rare cases where all savvyPanel tiles and page-links to a named savvyPanel page is deleted. This utility removes the 'orphaned' page name from the device's configuration.
Save and Save As...
- Only used for docks. A .dw-dvg file is produced on the host computer for later use.
- Shows the current capability. Capability levels are discussed on the Access control page.
- This submenu is only available with Administrate Capability.
Warning! It is essential that you read and understand the Ethernet section of the Getting started with savvy guide before changing any IP addresses!
- Set IP Addresses for System...
- Sends a link-local multicast and lists all local drive.web devices with their MAC addresses.
Set Device IP Address...
- Used for individual devices using the MAC address. Requires Ethernet connection.
Set Password for View etc.
- Please see Capabilities on the Access control page
- Set IP Addresses for System...
Page Setup, Print, Print Preview
- There are convenient printing features available in most views.
Export Image File...
- Produces a dialog window to create a .png file on the host computer.
- Find application preference settings that are persistent through launch cycles. Preferences are discussed in this document where relevant. Find Preferences under the File menu or under the savvy application menu in OS X installations.
- Exit and quit the application. Please see exiting the software section, below.
Window menu provides navigation controls for zooming and panning and displaying active windows and the savvy Info Window.
- See zoom and pan, below for more ways to zoom and pan.
Info Window
- Maintains a history of events that have called it since the software launched.
A timestamped selector is at the top of the Info window.
Info window displays outputs from several savvy utilities including:
- Get Info and Get Detailed Info for devices and parameters.
drive.web device user logs.
drive.web device program listings.
savvyPanel data listings
- Get Info and Get Detailed Info for devices and parameters.
- Maintains a history of events that have called it since the software launched.
Commerce menu promotes savvy-SFD upgrade and drive.web device upgrades.
- Please see the upgrades paragraph on the Getting started with savvy guide for details.
Shopping Cart lists selected upgrades and provides three payment choices.
Coupon Manager is generally used where internet access is not available where the upgrade is applied. Coupons may be entered here and stored until they can be applied.
Help menu
- Find savvy user manual, getting started guide, function block listings, contact information for drive.web support, bug reporting, and links to the drive.web website.
Directory view is shown on launch by default
The initial view can be chosen in the savvy Preferences.
The directory viewer displays a live, interactive icon for each of the discovered drive.web devices. See the active objects paragraph below for more information on device icons. Each device icon has its name underneath. If no name is assigned, the IP address or serial interface is shown.
There are several types of device icons that may populate the directory:
Phantom of any of the live device types below. Phantoms are rendered in low-color sepia. Ethernet and USB-discovered devices. The IP address and USB interface is shown when a device is un-named. savvyPanel Touch operator panels. Serial-discovered devices. A name is shown instead of serial identification when device is named. - Serial-discovered devices can not store user information on-board, such as signal flow diagrams and device, function block, and parameter re-names.
Associate a graphics file that is stored on the host computer to maintain the user information.
Associate graphics files in the serial discovery dialog.
- Serial-discovered devices can not store user information on-board, such as signal flow diagrams and device, function block, and parameter re-names.
IP addresses can not be duplicated in the directory and should be avoided in any network. Phantom Ethernet and USB-connected devices occupy an IP address in the directory and will obscure a live device when present. Similarly, phantom devices can not be viewed when a live device with the same IP address is discovered.
The directory is populated according to discovery settings, filters, and requests found in the savvy Preferences and in the Directory menu.
Delete individual devices from the directory using the Device Contextual Menu. Note that Ethernet-connected devices will re-appear in the directory if automatic discovery is enabled.
Directory Menu
- Setup Discovery...
- Discovery of local devices is possible when they are link-local and on the same subnetwork as the host computer. See the Ethernet section of the Getting Started with savvy guide.
Set group and savvyPanel system in individual devices using the Device Contextual Menu.
These settings are duplicated in the savvy Preferences.
Discover Local Devices Now
- Discover all drive.web devices that are on the host computer's Ethernet subnetwork. This menu choice is not available when automatic discovery is enabled in the setup dialog above.
Discover Device by IP Address...
- Enter the device's IP address or name if DNS service is available and the device has a DNS entry.
A drive.web device with a public IP address may be discovered anywhere on the internet by this method. Enter "" to discover a smarty dw210 at our factory in Stevensville, Maryland.
Discover Devices from File
- Choose a .dw-discover file to discover a specific set of drive.web devices defined in that file. See Create Discovery File..., below.
Discover via USB
- Please see the Plug-and-play USB section of the Getting started with savvy guide.
Discover on Serial Port
- Requires serial port hardware in the host computer that is suitable for the target drive. A USB-to-serial port converter is commonly used.
The discovery dialog is tailored to the selected drive type. Ensure that the Comms Speed matches the drive's serial port setting.
PL-Series drives are addressed in a serial network via GID and UID. The default value is zero for both.
Click the Drive Setup Notes... button for a web page describing specific information for this drive type.
Unlike drive.web devices which store signal flow diagram graphics onboard for multi-user access, stand-alone drives require the host computer to store the graphics. Choose or create a new .dw-graphics file to store the signal flow diagram graphics.
Create Phantom Device...
- Choose device type, options, address, and firmware version to create a new, empty phantom device.
A drive model selector is available for drive-dedicated and serial-drive devices. Specify power input and motor details.
Import Data and Create Phantoms...
- Select a .dw-system file to import new phantom devices into the directory that are configured according to the file.
- The array of devices in the directory is sorted from left to right and then top to bottom. Sort by none, name, IP address, MAC address, or group.
Unlock and Lock Devices...
- Applies to all Ethernet and USB-connected devices with password set.
Set Password etc. for Devices
- The dialog allows devices to be individually deselected.
Please see drive.web Device Password and savvyPanel Access Control section of the Access Control help page.
Assign groups to devices to aid sorting in the directory and filtering device discovery.
Load Firmware...
Download the latest firmware from the get savvy page at
Load PL-Series Software...
- Only for PL-Series-dedicated devices with v.2 control board, dw211 and dw221
Download the latest PL-Series software from the get savvy page at
Export Data...
- Opens a selection dialog to create a single .dw-system file on the host computer that contains all configuration and connection information for selected devices in the directory.
Import Data...
- Opens a selection dialog and all configuration and connection information in all selected devices in the directory may be overwritten.
Clear All Device Logs
- Caution! There is no dialog. Clearing can not be undone.
Delete All Devices
- Empties the device directory. Devices may quickly re-appear if automatic discovery is enabled.
Create Discovery File...
- Opens a selection dialog to create a .dw-discover file on the host computer. Discovery files can be used for convenience to discover only particular drive.web device(s). A discovery file may be selected in the savvy Preferences.
Copy Discovery Set...
Opens a dialog window with a name entry field and checkboxes for every device in the directory.
Copies the name of the discovery set and the selected devices' IP addresses for pasting into a message, email, or into the explicit discovery entry field in a dw230 savvyPanel Touch setup dialog.
With the discovery set pasted into a message or email, it can be transferred to an Apple® mobile digital device and subsequently copied for pasting as an explicit discovery set in the savvyPanel app.
See the savvyPanel section below.
- Discovery of local devices is possible when they are link-local and on the same subnetwork as the host computer. See the Ethernet section of the Getting Started with savvy guide.
Device Adornments and Contextual Menu
Device icons appear in several types of viewer windows. The contextual menu is available in all views.
Device icon adornments are described here as they appear clockwise around this detail, from top-left:
![]() |
Device is locked. See the Access Control user manual page for more information. |
savvy has detected a large differential between the device realtime clock setting and the host computer's. This generally indicates that the realtime clock battery is discharged.
Only drive.web smarty devices feature a realtime clock. smarty models, dw21x, feature a rechargeable battery. This battery requires up to several days for a full charge. A full charge may maintain the smarty dw21x realtime clock for up to several months while the device is not powered. | |
The device is not processing its function block engine due to an error.
This is most likely a result of importing a device configuration which contains a function block that is not supported by the device's firmware version or option capabilities. Use Program Line Number in the System Function Block and Show Program under the SFD or FBE menu to find the unsupported function block. | |
Unsaved changes in a PL-series DC drive. Use the Device Contextual Menu and choose Save All Parameters to EEPROM.
This adornment is overloaded for a PL-Series drive that is discovered via serial port. In this case it also indicates that there are unsaved graphic changes. Use the Device Contextual Menu and choose Export Device Data... |
The comms interface has failed. savvy is not communicating with this device via the interface (Ethernet, USB or serial) on which it was discovered. |
![]() |
The drive at left is discovered and recognized as a PL-Series DC drive but savvy does not recognize the firmware version.
This is most likely caused by a newer drive discovered in an older version of savvy. Connect to the internet and update the application. |
Device Contextual Menu:
Get Info
View name, interface type, group, type, versions, addresses, and network setup information.
Get Detailed Info
- Same info as above plus:
- User Info - savvyPanel system name and password presence.
FBE Resource Info - storage and capacity usage details.
Capability Information - Function block, Hardware, and Firmware capabilities available in this device.
Miscellaneous includes last update info of the device real-time clock.
Incoming and outgoing connection details.
- User Info - savvyPanel system name and password presence.
Find Parameter...
- Enter parameter number, name, or partial name to view that parameter.
Show Connections...
- View all connections associated with this device. See Connections View below.
Lock, Set Password, and Clear Password
- Please refer to the Access Control user manual page.
Change Name...
- The device name is shown in most views instead of the device address.
Set Group...
- Groups are used for sorting in the Device Directory and for filtering device discovery.
Set savvyPanel System and Password
- Please see the savvyPanel section, above.
Import Device Data...
- Opens a selection dialog and all configuration and connection information may be overwritten.
Export Device Data...
- Opens a selection dialog to create a .dw-system file on the host computer that contains all configuration and connection information for that device.
Export to Text File >
- Various text exports are available. Use PLX Menu List only with PL-series DC drives. Contact us for information on using custom templates.
Show Log...
- Produce a current copy of the device log in the Info Window.
Note! Clearing a device can not be undone. Export the device configuration first if you have any doubts.
Select Set All to return a device to default configuration.
The Clear dialog does not affect the network settings, IP addresses etc. Contact us for information on resetting device networks settings.
Set Clock
- Sets the real time clock in the drive.web device to the host computer's time.
A savvy preference Threshold for automatic adjustment of device clock causes the real time clock to be checked and set every time the device is discovered.
Upgrade Device...
- Please see the upgrades paragraph on the Getting started with savvy guide for details.
Change Model
- Only available for drive-dedicated phantoms. A dialog promotes changing the drive model. A model selector is provided to choose models based on supply and motor types.
Modify Phantom...
- Only available for phantoms. A dialog promotes adding or removing software options and changing the device firmware.
Clone to New Phantom...
- A dialog requests an IP address at which to create a new phantom in the directory with the same capabilities and configuration.
Load Firmware...
Download the latest firmware from the get savvy page at
Load PL-Series Software...
- Only available for PL-Series-dedicated devices with v.2 control board, dw211 and dw221
Download the latest PL-Series software from the get savvy page at
Save All Parameters to EEPROM
- Only available for PL-Series devices.
Parameter changes in the PL-Series drive must be explicitly saved or they will revert to the previous setting following a control power cycle.
- Remove this device from the device directory. Note that Ethernet-discovered devices will re-appear in the directory if automatic discovery is enabled. Please see the device discovery section, above.
FBE view is only found in the basic, free version of savvy prior to upgrading with savvy-SFD
Click a device in the directory to view the Device Overview Screen. Click the FBE link at top-right for the FBE view.
Drives discovered on serial ports do not have access to a function block engine. Ethernet or USB discovery is required.

Function blocks are shown in the order that they are processed from left to right then top to bottom.
Click a function block for the Function Block View. View the internal structure, check or set parameter values, and make connections.
Right-click any function block for the Function Block Contextual Menu.
Note the special System function block which is always in the first position, top-left of the FBE view. Click to view.
- Set Logging Detail to Debug to log unusual network or hardware problems.
Program Status should always be OK. It is possible to make a connection from this parameter to monitor and promote contingency systems.
Program Line Number refers to the program listing which can be viewed from the FBE (or SFD) menu. The program line indicated should be examined in the unusual case that the Program Status is not OK.
FBE Menu
- Set Timebase...
- The time in ms in which the entire function block engine completes one execution cycle.
See the System function block to view live execution time data and more.
The default timebase is 5ms for second generation drive.web devices, dw2xx.
Show Program...
- List with line numbers of function blocks and connections in the order that they are processed.
- Caution! Please see the Clear Dialog section, below.
Add Function Block...
- Provides a dialog window that includes function block previews. See the Add Function Block... paragraph in the SFD section for more info.
Function blocks are executed in the order that they are added. It is important to plan the function block execution order before adding new function blocks with the free version of savvy.
Arithmetic etc.
- Create a new instance of a function block directly.
Function blocks are organized by functional type.
Function block availability depends on the installed options.
- The time in ms in which the entire function block engine completes one execution cycle.
SFD view provides a live, interactive configuration overview
The SFD view has two main parts, the function block and connection listing, and the signal flow diagram.
Function block and connection listing occupies the left side of the SFD view
The function block and connection listing includes the following types of active objects:
![]() |
List Item | Description | Hover for info in status bar | Click | Right-click |
![]() |
Device | Name, MAC ID or serial ID info, IP address, group name. | See Device Overview view, below. | See Device Contextual menu, above. | |
![]() |
Comms Servers Not present if there are no server options available. | See Comms Servers view, below. | |||
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System function block Not present for serial-discovered devices. Provides status information and timebase setpoint. Status should always be OK. | Status and name | View power, temperature, execution time. Set logging detail level. See System function block. | Set Timebase The default timebase is 5ms for second generation drive.web devices, dw2xx | |
![]() |
Function blocks that appear in the signal flow diagram are shown in full color. | Function block name | See Function Block view, below. | View function block manual page. Change function block name. See Function Block Contextual Menu, below. | |
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Connections that appear in the signal flow diagram are shown in full color. | Source and destination parameters. Connection speed is shown for drive.web connections over Ethernet. | Please see Connection Contextual Menu, below. | ||
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Function block symbol shown in low color is active in the function block engine but is not placed in the signal flow diagram. | Function block name | Drag and drop into the signal flow diagram to replace it into the graphic. | Please see Function Block Contextual Menu, below. | |
![]() |
Connection symbol shown in low color is active but is not placed in the signal flow diagram. | Same as connections, above. | Drag and drop into the signal flow diagram to replace it into the graphic. | Please see Connection Contextual Menu, below. |
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Find the function block and connection filter at the top of the function block and connection listing.
This filter may be useful for finding all function blocks that are not placed in the SFD graphic. |
Function blocks are executed in order from top to bottom in the listing. Drag and drop function blocks up or down the list to change the execution order.
Important Note! Drive-dedicated devices have a moveable horizontal divider separating native drive function blocks and connections into a second listing below the function block and connection listing.
Signal Flow Diagram may contain many pages.
![]() |
Find the SFD page selector underneath the function block and connection listing.
Use page selector arrows or enter specific page number. |
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Drawing border includes locating marks and a title block on each page.
See the SFD menu, below, for setup information. |
Click a function block for the Function Block View. View the internal structure, check or set parameter values, and make connections.
Create a group selection of multiple items in the signal flow diagram to move them in the drawing, delete them, or duplicate them.
![]() |
Selected items may include function blocks, connections, notes, and pasted parameters. Click in an empty area of the drawing and drag a selection marquee around multiple items. Selected items are highlighted. Alternatively, right-click in an empty area and choose Start Selection Marquee from the contextual menu. Drag the marquee and click to finish selection.
Select groups of items across different SFD pages. This is useful for duplicating items, not moving them. See the Function block contextual menu information below for special move, align, and distribute functions for group selections. Nudge group selections.
Click and drag an item or member of a group of items to move it and the group in the signal flow diagram.
- The drawing edges are bordered in red and arrow icons are shown in each corner as the item(s) are dragged.
Drag the cursor to the border to nudge the view in that direction.
The top corners drag the item(s) onto the previous page (top-left icon) and next page (top-right icon).
The icons at the bottom two corners promote dragging the item(s) onto the first page (bottom-left icon) and last page (bottom-right icon).
Press and hold the Control key during a drag-move to duplicate an item or group of items.
- A plus sign is shown under the cursor.
Drop the item(s) while holding the Control key to duplicate the item(s) at that location.
Drop the items(s) into the SFD of a different device to duplicate them there. (Use multiple viewer windows.)
Some function blocks can not be duplicated or created. In this case, the Info Window is brought to the front and the items that were not duplicated are listed.
The signal flow diagram conveys useful information. Features are described here as they appear clockwise around this detail:
![]() |
The mouse hovers over a parameter handle at upper-left. This active area promotes the parameter contextual menu and drag-and-drop connections. |
The 2-Input Switch function block has been renamed, Extruder On. | |
Two notes are displayed with different colors and sizes.
Notes can be set up as links to pre-defined savvyPanel pages. See Add Note..., below, for details. | |
There are two connections displayed from the function block output.
Connection direction arrows are shown according to savvy Preferences. The first connection may traverse to another parameter on this page. The second connection is split and the destination parameter's name, address, and location are shown. Additional connections may exist that have been removed from the graphic to simplify the drawing. See connection contextual menu, below. | |
The Extruder Enable parameter has been copied into the SFD to display live data there.
See parameter contextual menu, below. | |
Parameters that are settable and act as a function block input may support outgoing connections. Note the small offset at this type of connection source, at bottom-left. | |
There is an incoming connection at center-left. | |
The 2-Input Switch graphic is live. The switch arm shows the current state. |
![]() |
The function block named 'Print Mark' shows new parameter types; E, Event, C, Count, and F, Floating Point.
Event and Count signals can only be sourced from sensor inputs in the new smarty dw240 controller. Event signals can come from digital inputs, frequency inputs, or marker inputs. Count signals can come from frequency inputs or encoder inputs. |
The connections at the event and count inputs are shown in green to indicate that the signals can are sourced from another device and connected via drive.web-over-Ethernet connections. | |
The connection out of the floating point parameter is shown in pink because it is automatically converting floating point to standard 16-bit type at the destination. | |
Connections between parameters of the same type and in the same device are shown in blue. |
Right-click in an empty area of the drawing for the SFD contextual menu.
- Start Zoom Marquee
Drag a rectangle and click to define a zoom area.
See Zooming below for more ways to zoom.
Start Selection Marquee
Drag a rectangle and click to select Multiple Items
Add Note...
- Provides a dialog for composing the note and setting the font details and defaults.
An SFD note can be set up as a link to a pre-defined savvyPanel page. When the note is touched or clicked, the view changes to that savvyPanel page.
- Check the box next to Link To: and choose a destination page.
- Check the box next to Link To: and choose a destination page.
Paste Parameter
- Places a copy of a selected parameter onto the SFD page.
Add Function Block...
- Provides a dialog window that includes function block previews.
Use this dialog in the unusual case that the function block's starting parameter address must be selected or that you need to use a legacy function block.
The allowable function block parameter address space is from 4126 to 8191. Typically leave the Automatic checkbox selected for automatic function block addressing.
Find the Show Legacy Function Blocks checkbox here. When the box is unchecked, some earlier versions of function blocks are not shown here or in the function block groups described below.
Arithmetic etc.
A new instance of a selected function block is created at the right-click location.
Function block availability depends on the installed options.
SFD Menu
- Set Border...
- Standard borders are available in several form factors. Custom borders are available via business arrangement. Contact us for details.
Adjust the border size and origin.
Adjust the size of function block labels and connection splits.
Set User Attributes...
- Sets information in the drawing title block.
Set Timebase...
- The time in ms in which the entire function block engine completes one execution cycle.
See the System Function Block to view live execution time data and more.
The default timebase is 5ms for second generation drive.web devices, dw2xx.
Show Program...
- List with line numbers of function blocks and connections in the order that they are processed.
Change execution order by dragging function block up or down the function block listing.
Add Function Block...
- The designer is prompted to use right-click in the drawing to create new function blocks.
- See the Clear dialog above.
Load Default Graphics...
- Shows the Clear dialog window. Loading default graphics requires clearing all existing graphics including savvyPanel.
Use with caution, clearing can not be undone.
- Standard borders are available in several form factors. Custom borders are available via business arrangement. Contact us for details.
Function Block Adornments and Contextual Menu
Function block adornments and contextual menus are in the SFD and Function Block views.
![]() |
P2 drive's Control function block features a special adornment when savvy detects that the drive is not setup properly for drive.web control. Check the device product manual for details. |
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smarty model dw21x digital output Fault Status is Faulted. The smarty measures low Voltage at the terminal when the logic is high and the source is enabled. Check the device product manual for details. |
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Certain function blocks must be associated with another in order to function.
The function block is displayed in red and is non-functional. The system status is Association Warning. Click on the function block and select the parameter that indicates None (Disabled) to make the required association. |
Function Block Contextual Menu:
Get Info
- View function block information in web page format.
Change Name...
- The function block name is displayed in most views and references to its parameters.
Remove from Graphic
- The function block is removed from the signal flow diagram but continues to be active in the function block engine. Find the function block in the Function Block and Connections Listing, displayed in low color. Quickly find all unplaced function blocks by using the filter at the top of the list.
Set Graphic Location...
- Enter the page number and x and y coordinates for this function block's SFD location.
Align / Distribute
Only available for group selections.
Select vertical and horizontal alignment and distribute functions.
Move Selection...
Only available for group selections.
Nudge by one point or snap to the next grid location
- Delete this instance of this function block type along with its name, parameters, and settings.
Function Block view shows live parameters and the function block's signal flow diagram.
Click function blocks in the SFD or FBE view for this view.
Switches like those in the integral channel and prior to the output clamps of the PID block, above, move to show actual, current signal flow of the switch.
In the following picture note that floating-point-type parameters are shown with a dashed border.
Click parameters that do not have an incoming connection and are not read-only for a parameter setter.
Parameter Adornments and Contextual Menu
The parameter contextual menu is available for many parameters via a handle that appears under the mouse cursor at the function block connection point in the SFD.
A parameter may be displayed in the SFD if it is copy-pasted or drag-copied there.
Parameters are also displayed and can be live-trended in the Dock view.
Parameter adornments are described here as they appear clockwise around this detail, from top-left:
![]() |
The parameter name has been changed from default. |
The parameter is a read-only type. | |
The blue connection arrow at right indicates an outgoing connection.
This connection arrow is also an Active Object. | |
The small, grey rectangle at bottom-left indicates the parameter is present in a savvyPanel page. | |
The displayed parameter value is scaled differently than default. |
![]() |
The parameter has been renamed, 'Mark Offset'. |
The brown bar underneath the parameter value indicates that it is not at default value. |
The 'Q' indication means the parameter is controlled by a Control - Sequence List function block. Different letter adornments are displayed when other function blocks are controlling it; 'S', Control>Sequence List, 'R', Utility>Recipe, 'M', ModbusTCP Master.
When the parameter is controlled by a sequence list, incoming connections can not be made and the parameter can not be manually set. When a parameter is controlled by a state machine, recipe, or ModbusTCP master, incoming connections can not be made. The parameter setter can still be used for manual changes when the function block is not actively controlling it. |
Right-click parameters for the parameter contextual menu.
Parameter Contextual Menu:
Get Info
- Displays important parameter information in the Info Window including ID number, scaling, default, minimum and maximum values.
Add to Parameter Dock
- Please see the Dock section below.
Copy Parameter
- Use to paste a parameter into a SFD or savvyPanel page.
Copy a parameter's name, enumeration, and scaling settings to paste into another parameter. See below.
Connect to..., Make Connection from..., Start Connection, Restart Connection
- The availability of these choices depends on whether the parameter can have incoming or outgoing connections. Use Get Info to find this information.
A parameter can only accept one incoming connection.
It is possible to make connections within the device and to and from ethernet-discovered devices.
- The function block name is used in graphics and references.
Erase custom name and click OK to return the name to default.
Click Settings From Connection to copy the name of the source parameter. Only available for parameters with incoming connections.
Click Paste Settings to copy the name from another parameter.
A dialog window supports re-scaling how that parameter's data is displayed in savvy and savvyPanel. The raw data is unaffected. The dialog also supports re-defining the format pattern, i.e. the number of decimal places shown.
The units displayed may also be defined here.
Click Standard Settings to return to original factory settings.
Click Settings From Connection to copy the settings from the source parameter. Only available for parameters with incoming connections.
Click Paste Settings to copy the settings from another parameter.
Change Enumerations...
- Custom enumerations are possible with most parameters. The enumeration is displayed in graphics and references instead of the numerical value.
Enter the raw number to enumerate in the dialog window. Add or remove enumerations with the plus and minus buttons.
Click Paste Settings to copy the enumerations from another parameter.
Switch Units
- Only for parameters that define rate changes, such as acceleration and deceleration. Switch between time(s) for 100% change and rate(%/s).
Remove from Graphic
- Only found in SFD View. Reduce unnecessary graphic content by removing a function block from the SFD diagram. The function block is still active and the device function is unaffected. Please see the SFD view, function block and connection listing, above.
Connection Contextual Menu
The connection contextual menu can be accessed from any view where the connection is shown.
- In the SFD view, connections appear as blue lines or as blue connection boxes, where connections are split. Connections are also listed with the function blocks in the left-side listing.
In the function block, dock, and connections views, connections appear as large blue arrows entering the left side or exiting the right side of parameter boxes.
Get Info
- Source and destination parameters are displayed in the Info Window
The connection sample period is shown for connections to other devices.
Change Sample Period...
- Only present for connections to other devices.
Enter the desired sample period in milliseconds.
- Permanently delete the connection.
Remove from Graphic
- Reduce unnecessary graphic content by removing a connection from the SFD diagram. The connection is still active and the device function is unaffected. Please see the SFD view, function block and connection listing, above.
Split, Un-Split
- Use to split connection lines on the page. A split box is provided at each end.
Hover over the connection split box to highlight it and its corresponding partner on the page. Also find information in the Window Status Bar.
Click a connection split box to view the other end.
Click and drag to move the split box.
Change the size of the split box with SFD Menu > Set Border...
Jump to Source / Destination Parameter
- A choice is provided to jump to the SFD View or the Function Block View that contains the source / destination.
- Source and destination parameters are displayed in the Info Window
savvyPanel is the operator touch interface
Design and implement savvyPanel systems using savvy on a computer. (SFD upgrade is required.)
Please see dw230 savvyPanel Operator Touch Interface user guide for detailed information on that device.
Free savvyPanel app for Apple® mobile digital devices; iPad®, iPhone® and iPod touch® is available for operators. savvyPanel runs on iOS® mobile operating system in those devices.
Free savvyPanel app for Android® mobile digital devices is available for operators. Search for savvyPanel in the Google Play® store.
Launch savvyPanel for operators on computers; Windows, MacOS, Linux and Linux derivatives.)
- For MacOS, from the Applications folder containing, enter, e.g., " -jar -open panel" at a command line to launch savvyPanel in operator's computers.
- For Windows, from the Program Files directory containing savvy.exe, enter, e.g., " jre\bin\java -jar savvy.exe -open panel" at a command line to launch savvyPanel in operator's computers.
There are no menus or contextual menus available.
Buttons and setters are larger for use with a touchscreen.
The savvyPanel Systems Page is the default, initial view when more than one savvyPanel system is available.
- savvy Preferences may define the initial view to be other than the savvyPanel System Page.
A drive.web device contributes savvyPanel tiles and page names to only one savvyPanel system.
- Use the Device Contextual Menu to set the savvyPanel system for that device.
A savvyPanel system may consist of tiles and page names from many drive.web devices.
A savvyPanel password set in a drive.web device may prevent all contribution from that device. Please see the Access Control user manual page for more information.
Click a system tile to view that savvyPanel system's Home page.
savvyPanel pages consist of an array or up to 16 x 16 tiles.
savvyPanel tiles have a fixed aspect-ratio.
There are several tile types:
Meter for monitoring and setting. - Meters may also be bipolar, bar, or digital-panel types.
Touch for setter dialog.
Dual meter shows setpoint and feedback. Momentary pushbutton - The yellow border is shown while the button is actuated.
Start and Stop pushbuttons are lit when actuated. Use with savvyPanel function blocks, Latch and SR Latch.
Two position switch - Touch the blue switch area to toggle.
Multi-position switch - The number of switch positions is equal to the number of enumerations defined for that parameter. Add or remove enumerations by using the Parameter Contextual Menu
Indicator is available in a variety of colors. Alarm indicator - Produces a single audible alarm when it is actuated.
The yellow border indicates that the alarm has not been acknowledged. Touch the indicator to acknowledge.
Graphic tiles are for illustrative purposes. - Graphic tiles can be overlaid with parameter information. Copy-paste or drag a parameter onto a graphic tile.
Graphic tiles with parameters are read-only
Page-Link - Touch to view the named page.
Page-link graphic may be the same as any graphic tile.
Device tiles are used with savvy-based installations (Java Runtime Environment in Windows, Apple OS X, Linux, etc.). - The drive.web device's name or IP address is displayed.
Visible as Graphic tiles in iOS-based savvyPanel.
Touch to view the Device Overview in the free version of savvy.
Touch to view page one of the device's signal flow diagram after the SFD upgrade has been applied.
A note on an SFD page can be set up as a link to any pre-defined savvyPanel page. See Add Note... for details.
Device Export / Import tiles. Only active in Java-based savvyPanel on computers. - Click a Device Import tile to open a selection dialog and all configuration and connection information may be overwritten.
Click a Device Export tile to save the entire configuration of the named device to a file on the computer.
Device Parameter Save tiles. Only available for PL-Series digital DC drives. - Changes to parameter settings in PL-Series DC drives are not permanently retained and will revert after a power cycle unless the changes are saved.
Touch or click this tile to permanently save parameter settings in the drive.
Logo tiles may be setup as page-links or device tiles or have parameter data overlaid. - Display a custom image from a selected JPEG file. Select the image file using Set Custom Logo... under the savvyPanel menu in Java-based installations.
For iOS-based installations, copy the image file in a separate app, e.g. Photos. Find the savvyPanel Settings page under the drive.web logo and click, Paste Logo.
Only one JPEG logo may be set in each computer or iOS device. The same image is displayed in every Logo tile in that computer or device.
- Meters may also be bipolar, bar, or digital-panel types.
Touch a settable meter tile for a savvyPanel setter. A parameter is settable if it does not have an incoming connection and is not read-only.
Analog setter shown is typical for Java-based platforms. savvyPanel for iOS provides a choice of slider or click-wheel setters.
Slider includes buttons for revert-to-last, return-to-default, increment / decrement first and second least significant digit.
Multi-position switch setter.
A Home or Systems Button is always visible in savvyPanel.
Home Button is a link from any Operator Page to the Home Page of that system. Systems Button links to the systems page from a home page. It is the only way for an operator to navigate back to the systems page. Systems Button icon in savvyPanel for iOS.
The Systems Button is inactive when there is only one savvyPanel system available.
The Home Button and Systems Button are locked with the home password. See Home Password on the Access Control page.
A system-wide alarm can be annunciated and displayed in the Status Bar. The warning is displayed in the savvyPanel title bar at the bottom of the screen for iOS-based applications.
There is a single audible alarm annunciation when the alarm is active in any page. Touch the flashing alarm symbol to view the Alarms page, i.e. page number 255.
Find the Alarm Annunciator function block in the savvyPanel function block group. See Add Function Block..., above.
The alarm is active in a savvyPanel system when the Input parameter is active in an Alarm Annunciator function block in a drive.web device in that system.
The presence of a tagged computer or iOS-based device that is viewing a drive.web device's savvyPanel system and the active page that it is currently viewing may be detected in the device's function block engine.
Find the Presence Monitor function block in the savvyPanel function block group. See Add Function Block..., above. savvyPanel applications running in computers and iOS devices are identified by a tag number. savvyPanel presence must be enabled in the application.
- Set the application's tag number and enable the Presence feature in the Preferences dialog, found under the File menu in Windows or under the application menu in OS X.
Use the Settings menu, under the drive.web logo in iOS-based savvyPanel to set up the Presence features.
- Set the application's tag number and enable the Presence feature in the Preferences dialog, found under the File menu in Windows or under the application menu in OS X.
Building or Altering a savvyPanel Design
savvy-SFD and Engineer or Administrate capability is required to build or alter a savvyPanel design.
Add savvyPanel tiles.
A tile chooser with recommendations, descriptions and live previews is provided. Add tiles that are associated with function block engine parameters.
- Use the parameter's contextual menu to copy it. This is typically done in the SFD or function block view although parameters can be copied from a dock or savvyPanel page, too.
Paste with the savvyPanel contextual menu. See below.
Alternatively, drag a parameter from another viewer window and drop it into a savvyPanel page.
Page-Link, Graphic, and Device tiles are added via the savvyPanel contextual menu. See below.
- Use the parameter's contextual menu to copy it. This is typically done in the SFD or function block view although parameters can be copied from a dock or savvyPanel page, too.
A savvyPanel page listing is provided when the capability for building and altering savvyPanel designs is present.
Click a page-button to view that page. Right-click a page-button to change or delete a page name.
- Important note - Choose the drive.web device to store the page name in when changing the page name. That drive.web device must be available to display the page name.
Click and drag a tile to move it. The drawing edges are bordered in red to allow the tile to be dragged outside of the current view.
Right-click in an open area of the savvyPanel page for the savvyPanel contextual menu.
Start Zoom Marquee
- Please see Zooming and Navigating, below.
Paste Parameter
- Creates a new parameter tile. Parameters may be copied from any view. Please see Parameter contextual menu, below.
Create Page-Link, Graphic, and Device tiles.
- Important note - Choose a drive.web device at the bottom of the dialog window to store the graphic or page-link tile in. That drive.web device must be available to display the tile.
savvyPanel Menu
Home View
- Equivalent to the Home and Systems Button described above.
Operators must enter the Home Password when it is set.
Add, Delete or Clear savvyPanel Passwords
- savvyPanel Password must be added to view a drive.web device's savvyPanel tiles when that device has a password set.
See savvyPanel Password on the Access Control page for details.
Set Password for Home
- Home Password restricts access to the Home Page and / or Systems Page.
See savvyPanel Home Password on the Access Control page for details.
Set Custom Logo...
- See Logo Tiles, above.
Size for...
- Designers and operators can size the window to match many popular iOS® and Android® mobile computing devices.
Set Size...
- Designers and operators can manually size the window to an exact pixel width and height.
- Equivalent to the Home and Systems Button described above.
savvyPanel Tile Adornment and Contextual Menu
![]() |
Parameter tile name background is yellow and a red warning triangle symbol adorns it when communication with the host device is interrupted. |
savvyPanel Tile Contextual Menu:
Tiles with parameter association also include contextual menu items from the parameter contextual menu.
Get Info
- Opens the Info window and displays the type of tile, the associated parameter ID for parameter tiles, and the host device name and IP address.
Remove Tile
- Permanently deletes this instance of the tile.
Remove Parameter
- Only available with parameter-over-graphics tiles. The tile reverts to a simple graphic tile.
Add / Remove Page Link
Available with graphic or page-link tiles.
Only pre-existing pages can be added to a graphic tile by this method. To create a new page link, use the savvyPanel contextual menu.
Change / Delete Page Name
Only available for graphic or page-link tiles.
Choose the device that the page name is stored in. That drive.web device must be available to display the name.
Dock view has two primary modes.
In the default view, the dock is a live, interactive display of selected parameters in an array.
See the dock menu below to switch dock views.
- Click the active data area in settable parameters for the Parameter Setter.
Click and drag the active data area to move the parameter's position in the dock.
Click the trash can icon to remove a parameter from the dock.
Right-click for the Parameter Contextual Menu.
A live parameter-trending view is available for the first six parameters that are added to a dock.
- Trend view controls -
Run checkbox Uncheck to pause the trend. Data continues to be captured off screen. Choose trend timespan from 10 seconds to 2 days. Trend parameter control panel. - fp button is only present with floating-point-type parameters. Click to set the full range of the trend. The default is the full, very wide range of a floating-point number. Enter e.g. '1' for a range of +/-100%.
Scale checkbox enables the colored, horizontal lines of the vertical scales.
Setup button provides a dialog to specify the horizontal scales.
Gain scales the trend. The data and horizontal scale is multiplied by this value.
Offset is applied to the scaled trend. Offset of 1 is typically the full scale.
Show Time checkbox Enables the time labels. The vertical scale lines are not affected. Show Pointers checkbox Enables the colored pointers at the right side which display the instantaneous value. - fp button is only present with floating-point-type parameters. Click to set the full range of the trend. The default is the full, very wide range of a floating-point number. Enter e.g. '1' for a range of +/-100%.
Trend data is updated according to the Marshaled Polling Period setting found in the savvy Preferences. The range is 20ms to 500ms. A shorter period gives a smoother trend but increases the network loading.
Trend data updates may also be limited by the host computer's network interface and network loading.
Each parameter trend may store up to 2700 data points.
Static data values are not gratuitously stored so longer trend periods may be obtained for those parameters.
Save parameter docks on the host computer for later use. Use Save As... under the File menu to create a .dw-dock file.
Right-click in the trend area for a contextual menu.
- Start Zoom Marquee
Please see Zooming and Navigating, below.
Paste Parameter
- Paste additional parameters directly into the trend.
Parameters may be copied from any view.
Please see Parameter contextual menu, above.
Show Trend Point Info
- The Info Window shows the computer timestamp including milliseconds and each parameter value at that trend point.
Dock Menu
- Show Trend / Parameters
Switches the dock viewing mode. The parameter mode promotes setting settable parameters and removing parameters from the dock.
- Export Raw Data to CSV File
Produces a .csv file suitable for Microsoft Excel spreadsheets, etc. with every data point in the trend.
- Export Sampled Data to CSV File
Similar to previous but with controls for Sample Period, from 100ms to 1 minute and Export Size, from 1 minute to 2 hours.
Connections View
Use Open Connections List in the File Menu to view all drive.web connections in the directory but not the local connections within devices.
Use the Device Contextual Menu to view only the connections within that device.
Pairs of connected parameters are shown in an array. The connection source is to the left and the destination is to the right.
Parameter data is live.
Click the blue connection arrow for the Function Block View at the other end of the connection.
Right-click the blue connection arrow for the Connection Contextual Menu.
Click the device icon to view its Signal Flow Diagram or Function Block Engine.
Right-click the device icon for the Device Contextual Menu.
Connections menu provides sorting choices. Sorting placement is left-to-right then top-to-bottom.
Some important views do not have a dedicated menu.
Device Overview is particularly useful for drive-dedicated devices.
This is the initial view when a device is clicked in the free version of savvy.
Click the device icon in the SFD view to view the device overview.
The PL-Series DC Drive overview screen includes live diagnostic parameters and buttons to view the drive's native function blocks.
Find links to the host drive.web device's Function Block Engine and Comms Server setup page, when present, at top-right.
Comms Servers view, with available options
The presence of available options is indicated. The view is not available when no options are present.
ModbusTCP Ethernet Server, dwOption-04
- ModbusTCP Slave Port 502 is standard and specified in the protocol. Change to match the master in the unusual case that it is not standard.
EIP/PCCC Ethernet Server, dwOption-25
ModbusRTU Server model dependent, check operation guides.
- Set address, baud rate, character framing, and silence time. View the current error status. Connect from the error parameter to log or manage comms problems.
Comms Server Indirect parameters
- Available with all server options. Parameters are sequentially numbered to support marshaled polling. The parameters hold the addresses of other parameters in the device configuration so that the data is conveyed to and from the target parameter.
Zooming, Panning, and Other Navigation Tools
When a page is first opened, it is automatically zoomed and panned to fit completely in the current window. This is called the Home view.
- Press the
key on the keyboard or the5
key on a numeric keypad for the Home view.Alternatively, use the Window menu > View > Home to view.
Get smaller or larger zoom and pan steps, discussed below. Hold the Shift
key for less and Alt
for more zoom or pan.
Use the mouse scrollwheel to zoom or pan. Choose the scrollwheel action in the savvy Preferences.
- Another preference causes zoom to center on the mouse's current location.
Use the +
and -
keys on the keyboard to zoom in and out.
Zoom at the current cursor location by pressing the c
or F1
- Zoom out from the current location with the
Hold Control
and Alt
keys together and move the mouse horizontally. Move left to zoom in, right to zoom out.
Zoom to a marquee:
- Hold
key, click and drag a window to zoom.Right-click, choose Start Zoom Marquee then move to define a zoom marquee. Click to zoom. Escape to cancel.
Hold the Alt
key on the keyboard and move the mouse to pan.
Use the arrow keys on the keyboard.
Use a numeric keypad to pan in eight directions, centered on 5,
Home view.
Use the A, S, W, and D keys to pan in four directions.
Use the B, N, M, J, U. Y, T, G keys to pan in eight directions. Centers on h,
Home view.
Click the browsing arrows in the status bar to change views.
A view history is maintained.
- Click the left arrow for the previous view.
Click the right arrow for the next view in the history.
Click the up arrow for the logical parent view. In the picture above the directory view is the parent so the up arrow is unavailable.
Multiple savvy viewer windows promote convenience and easy configuration
savvy supports multiple viewer windows rooted in a common device directory.
- A drive.web device must be discovered in the directory to contribute to any other viewer window.
Choose Open Device Directory under the File menu to view the current directory population.
Choose New Viewer... under the File menu to create a new, empty window.
Docks may be designed and saved on the host computer for many specific tasks.
- To start building a new dock with another dock already open, create a new, empty viewer window. Now choose Add to Parameter Dock from a parameter contextual menu and choose the new empty viewer window to start the new dock. Alternatively drag and drop the parameter into the empty viewer.
To open a previously saved dock, choose Open Dock File... under the File menu.
Drag and drop items from one window into another to expedite tasks.
- Create new connections by dragging a parameter onto another parameter in the same device or in a separate drive.web device connected by Ethernet. The dragged parameter is the connection source. The destination parameter must be able to accept incoming connections. See the parameter contextual menu.
Drag an item or group of items from one SFD page to another in the same device to move the item(s) to that page.
Drag a signal flow diagram item or group of items and press and hold the Control key to create a new instance of the item(s).
- Drag and drop an item or group of items from one drive.web device to another to create new item(s) in the other device.
Drag a parameter onto an SFD page to copy and paste it there.
Drag a parameter into a dock to add it there.
Drag a parameter into a savvyPanel page to copy and paste it there.
Drag a savvyPanel tile from one savvyPanel page to another within the same savvyPanel system to move it there.
drive.web technology supports multiple users
All the configuration information, connections, SFD, and savvyPanel data is stored in the drive.web devices and may be conveyed to many computing devices simultaneously.
- A computer running savvy software or Apple mobile device running savvyPanel only needs to access the device(s). See the Access Control user manual page for more information.
Changes made by one user are immediately visible to other users.
Quitting or Exiting the software
Close all windows or choose Exit under the File menu. (Choose Quit in the savvy application menu for MacOS.)
Changes made to parameters, connections, SFD, savvyPanel, and other configuration elements in drive.web devices are persistent and do not need to be saved explicitly.
See Device Directory and Device Contextual Menu to create a .dw-system file on the host computer for offline reference and archiving.
- Save any changes to open dock windows. Use the File menu for that window > Save / Save As..
Save parameters to EEPROM in PL-Series DC drives when changes have been made to drive parameters. This is a special menu item in that device's contextual menu.
savvy, smarty, speedy, savvyPanel, and drive.web are trademarks of Bardac Corporation, registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Apple, MacOS, iOS, iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Android and Google Play are trademarks of Google Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. |