Floating Point
Moving Average Filter
Description This is an efficient FIR filter. It makes an excellent time-domain smoothing filter: good for reducing random noise while retaining a sharp step response. Note that changing the size parameter will temporarily reset the output to zero. For use with floating point numbers.
  • Available only in the dw2xx-v2 series products
  • Requires library: Advanced Math (option -10)
  • Firmware versions 0x210A and later
savvy-SFD Graphic fpMAF
Graphic with Parameters fpMAF


Input Input, Read-write, Analog (32-bit IEEE-754 floating point value)
-340E36 to 340E36
Size Input, Read-write, Analog (signed 16-bit integer)
1 to 250

This is the sample size for the filter. A larger size provides more filtering and a slower response.
Output Output, Read-only, Analog (32-bit IEEE-754 floating point value)
-340E36 to 340E36