I/O (Encoder)
Encoder 1
Description Outputs the encoder pulse count as a Count type parameter, Count+, and the encoder frequency and direction sign as a Floating Point type parameter, Freq+Dir.
  • Available only in the dw2xx-v2 series products
  • Requires library: System & I/O
  • Requires: One Encoder input
  • Singleton function block
  • Firmware versions 0x2105 and later
savvy-SFD Graphic enc1i7
Graphic with Parameters enc1i7


Count+ Output, Read-only, Placeholder (special (count & timestamp))
6 = Encoder 1
Filter Size Internal Parameter, Read-write, Enumerated (signed 16-bit integer)

This is the sample size for the filter. A larger size provides more filtering and a slower response. Note that large filter sizes can be very slow - e.g. 4096 @ 5ms timebase is over 20 seconds.
1 = 1
2 = 2
3 = 4
4 = 8
5 = 16
6 = 32
7 = 64
8 = 128
9 = 256
10 = 512
11 = 1024
12 = 2048
13 = 4096
Freq+Dir Output, Read-only, Analog (32-bit IEEE-754 floating point value)
-4000.000 kHz to 4000.000 kHz