Color Switch
Description A 2-In Switch with Output set to the hexadecimal number value of either Input 0 or Input 1, based on the value of Select. The hexadecimal number corresponds to a color. Output can be placed in savvyPanel as a customizable color indicator.
  • Available only in the dw2xx-v2 series products
  • Requires library: Process Control (option -05)
  • Firmware versions 0x2114 and later
savvy-SFD Graphic colorSwitch
Graphic with Parameters colorSwitch


Input 0 Input, Read-write, Color (signed 16-bit integer)
0x0 to 0xFFF
Input 1 Input, Read-write, Color (signed 16-bit integer)
0x0 to 0xFFF
Select Input, Read-write, Boolean (signed 16-bit integer)
0 = Input 0
1 = Input 1
Output Output, Read-only, Color (signed 16-bit integer)
0x0 to 0xFFF