Cumulative Moving Average
Description Output displays the average value of Input over time. Use Enable and Hold to start/stop averaging. For use with floating point numbers.
  • Available only in the dw2xx-v2 series products
  • Requires library: Process Control (option -05)
  • Firmware versions 0x2113 and later
savvy-SFD Graphic cma
Graphic with Parameters cma


Input Input, Read-write, Analog (32-bit IEEE-754 floating point value)
-340E36 to 340E36
Enable Input, Read-write, Boolean (signed 16-bit integer)

When disabled, the output is equal to the input and the average is reset. When enabled, the output is equal to the cumulative average.
0 = Disable
1 = Enable
Hold Input, Read-write, Boolean (signed 16-bit integer)

When active the average holds its current value - i.e. it is not updated.
0 = Inactive
1 = Hold
Output Output, Read-only, Analog (32-bit IEEE-754 floating point value)
-340E36 to 340E36