Bitwise Shift
Description Output is the word that is generated from shifting the bits of Input by the number of positions set in Shift. Input is an unsigned 16-bit number that can be shifted left or right by a maximum of 15 positions. The sign of Shift determines the direction of the bitwise shift. A positive value is a shift to the left and negative value is a shift to the right.

0x0 ≤ Input ≤ 0xFFFF
-15 ≤ Shift ≤ 15

Input :   0x1234       0001 0010 0011 0100
Shift:    -1            (one bit to the right)
Output:  0x0091       0000 1001 0001 1010
  • Requires library: Process Control (option -05)
  • Firmware versions 0x1030 and later
savvy-SFD Graphic bitwiseShift
Graphic with Parameters bitwiseShift


Input Input, Read-write, Hexadecimal (unsigned 16-bit integer)
0x0 to 0xFFFF
Shift Input, Read-write, Analog (signed 16-bit integer)
-15 to 15

Positive numbers shift left, Negative numbers shift right.
Output Output, Read-only, Hexadecimal (unsigned 16-bit integer)
0x0 to 0xFFFF