Bitwise NOT
Description Input and Output are unsigned 16-bit integers. Output is a hexadecimal word generated by a bitwise inverse of Input. One becomes zero, zero becomes one.

0x0 ≤ Input ≤ 0xFFFF
0x0 ≤ Output ≤ 0xFFFF

Input:     0xAAAA    1010 1010 1010 1010
Output:   0x5555     0101 0101 0101 0101
  • Requires library: Process Control (option -05)
  • Firmware versions 0x1021 and later
savvy-SFD Graphic bitwiseNot
Graphic with Parameters bitwiseNot


Input Input, Read-write, Hexadecimal (unsigned 16-bit integer)
0x0 to 0xFFFF
Output Output, Read-only, Hexadecimal (unsigned 16-bit integer)
0x0 to 0xFFFF