Setup IP Addresses for a System

When setting up a drive.web system, it is common to have to set the IP addresses for many devices. The 'Set IP Addresses for System...' feature is designed to simplify this task.

When you select this menu item, savvy will search for all the drive.web devices that are connected to the computer and present them in a dialog. (The devices are sorted by serial number.)

You can manually enter the New Addresses for the devices. Or you can enter a New Address for the first device and press the 'Auto-Address' button - this will fill in the rest of the New Addresses in sequence. (If you do not enter an address and press 'Auto-Address', one of the computer's addresses will be used as the base address).

If you use the auto-address feature, you must validate the addresses produced. It is quite possible for invalid or un-routeable addresses to be produced.

If you leave a New Address box empty (or enter an un-parseable address), that device will not have it's address changed.

Once you are happy with the New Addresses, click the 'OK' button and the address changes will be applied. The devices will also be discovered and will appear in the Device Directory. The results of the 'Set IP Addresses for System...' function are presented in an info window.

The 'Setup IP Addresses for System...' dialog is not dynamic - i.e. it will not detect devices appearing or disappearing from the network. If you need to refresh the list of devices, simply cancel and select the menu item again.

Note that 'Setup IP Addresses for System...' does not detect dw1101 and dw1102 devices. Use 'Set Device IP Address...' for these.

When setting device addresses, the software uses local multicast frames. If the computer has a firewall, you will probably need to open port 48556 for UDP.
WindowsXP firewall special information
You should ensure that the address that you use for a device can be reached from your computer (i.e. check your computer's IP address and net mask against device addresses).
We recommend that you turn off local device auto-discovery while setting device addresses.

If your drive.web system is to be integrated with an existing TCP/IP network, it is imperative that you coordinate with that network's system administrator - assigning an invalid or duplicate address will cause malfunctions.